понедельник, 30 июля 2012 г.

Fade A Whole Scene From Black & White to Colour

This can be done by following these steps. First, you'll need Unity Pro, because modifying the scene with a full screen image effect is a Pro-only feature.

вторник, 24 июля 2012 г.

C# List vs LinkedList

Thinking of a linked list as a list can be a bit misleading. It's more like a chain. In fact, in .NET,LinkedList<T> does not even implement IList<T>. There is no real concept of index in a linked list, even though it may seem there is. Certainly none of the methods provided on the class accept indexes.
Linked lists may be singly linked, or doubly linked. This refers to whether each element in the chain has a link only to the next one (singly linked) or to both the prior/next elements (doubly linked).LinkedList<T> is doubly linked.
Internally, List<T> is backed by an array. This provides a very compact representation in memory. Conversely, LinkedList<T> involves additional memory to store the bidirectional links between successive elements. So the memory footprint of a LinkedList<T> will generally be larger than forList<T> (with the caveat that List<T> can have unused internal array elements to improve performance during append operations.)
They have different performance characteristics too:

четверг, 5 июля 2012 г.

Procedural terrain. Part 3. Realtime terrain editing.

So, now we have dwarf, which can be ordered to make some holes in the terrain (and to build huge castle, in perspective).

вторник, 3 июля 2012 г.

Unity3D colliders benchmark

All tests were done on an intel core2duo 3ghz imac with no rendering, just physics.

Static colliders seem to have such a minimal impact on performance, Upto 60,000 and beyond of all different colliders were causing no noticable effect on the frame time (<3ms)

So I tried testing dynamic colliders instead, much more challenging.

Remember this is just physics, your renderer would bottleneck way before reaching 2500 individual objects.