вторник, 31 января 2012 г.

Global Game Jam 2012 - Tenderizer

Запилили вот такой проектик за 48 часов командой из 4 человек. Игра получилась вполне полноценной: 7 уровней, звук/музыка, начало и конец. Короче, круто время провели :)
Игра: http://globalgamejam.org/2012/tenderizer/
Видео: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbmQIBX_uEk

понедельник, 30 января 2012 г.


The Problem

At work, we recently upgraded to Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1). At the same time, our application stopped working for some users.
Everybody that had SP1 was able to run the application. Some people *without* SP1 were also able to run the application.
My system (not SP1) could not run the application built by the newly upgraded SP1 build machines, so I tried to figure out why.  I used Dependency Walker to find out why my application would not load.
Dependency Walker showed that the C runtime library (msvcr80.dll) could not be found. I noticed the full path of where the application was trying to get msvcr80.dll was:
I searched my system and I *did* have msvcr80.dll in my \windows folder, but not in the path the application was using.
I had not seen a path like that before for a DLL. I had no idea why the application was looking there instead of in \Windows\system32 like it normally would.
I tried copying msvcr80.dll locally to the application folder and refreshed Dependency Walker. That had no effect...the application could not find msvcr80.dll.
That used be the failsafe way to make an application see a DLL...put it in the same directory as the application. Something was very different now.

воскресенье, 22 января 2012 г.

Back to Basics. C strings

We spend a lot of time on this site talking about exciting Big Picture Stuff like .NET versus Java, XML strategy, Lock-In, competitive strategy, software design, architecture, and so forth. All this stuff is a layer cake, in a way. At the top layer, you've got software strategy. Below that, we think about architectures like .NET, and below that, individual products: software development products like Java or platforms like Windows.
Go lower on the cake, please. DLLs? Objects? Functions? No! Lower! At some point you're thinking about lines of code written in programming languages.
Still not low enough. Today I want to think about CPUs. A little bit of silicon moving bytes around. Pretend you are a beginning programmer. Tear away all that knowledge you've built up about programming, software, management, and get back to the lowest level Von Neumann fundamental stuff. Wipe J2EE out of your mind for a moment. Think Bytes.

пятница, 20 января 2012 г.

Visual Studio Achievements, now a reality!

A year ago we posted a humorous blog post What if Visual Studio had Achievements?. It received great response which spurred a lot of new discussion about various funny and informative gaming-like achievements.
Guys from Microsoft’s Channel 9 took this idea seriously and developed it into a quite real Visual Studio Extension. They’ve launched the beta today, be sure to check it out. Here’s also an introduction from Microsoft’s Karsten Januszewski and the project home page contains a list of all the current achievements.
Unlocked an achievement

Currently unlocked achievements

Download Visual Studio Achievements BetaProject Home Page – check the list of achievements

Original is here

вторник, 17 января 2012 г.

Error Code: S1023 while installing DirectX SDK

Check your temp folder (C:\Users\%name%\AppData\Local\Temp) for the most recent file named

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Setup_20110608_xxx.html ##

and check if you have the following error
Installation Blockers:
A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine.
Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x000013EC), "A StopBlock was hit or a System >Requirement was not met." (Elapsed time: 0 00:00:00).
then go to Control Panel>Progran & Features and uninstall all the

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86/x64 redistribuable - 10.0.(number over 30319)

Taken here

суббота, 14 января 2012 г.

Debian links


http://gtk-apps.org/content/show.php/ctrlwm?content=114565 - тулза для растягивания окон при перетаскивания на границу экрана.. не тестил пока

Ну и в добавок, несколько разнообразных ссылок:

http://www.goodfon.ru/ - хорошая подборка нескучных (с) обоев
http://psdcollector.blogspot.com/2011/01/35-awe-inspiring-digital-art-wallpapers.html - туда же

http://b44.ru/test/slogatel/index.php?formula=131%2B020+130%2B120 - генератор забавных имен, в геймдеве всяко пригодится :)

http://www.ebdb.ru/ - электронная библиотека

вторник, 10 января 2012 г.

Virtual Air Guitar Company

Joined this great team (http://www.virtualairguitar.com/). Expect lots of fun and producive work.
Working on project like this